Journey to Christ
A blog that talks about the gospel of Jesus Christ
"And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved."
- Matthew 10:22 King James Version
Hi, my name is Victoria.
I am a retired nurse,divorced and have a grown up daughter. I am new to this blog site but I am instructed by the Lord through my daughter, to write in my own website. The Lord has been speaking to my daughter since October 2020. I was born a Catholic till October 2020, when the Lord commanded me through my daughter, to leave the Catholic Church. I was hesitating, confused and asked why? But the Lord told me through my daughter that I am going to "eternal damnation" if i do not obey. My body did not feel good, I was scared, so I said okay. I did not understand but since I have been also reading the Bible, I later understood.The Lord also revealed the reasons why He is angry with the Catholic Church, but I am not going to talk about that. There are YouTube videos that talked about the Catholic Church that you could watch and understand.
The Lord has been guiding us to this Narrow path (journey) to Jesus Christ. He has been teaching us spiritual things, revealing things, scriptures explained. The Lord wants me to spread His teachings through this blog. He reminded my daughter that He is coming soon, He really wants people to come to Him, to repent and be save. I encourage everyone to follow my journey to Christ Jesus through this blog. As the Lord said through my daughter, all people have access to the Narrow path, BUT you have to make that choice now. God bless.
Preaching the Word of God2023年8月26日The twelve Apostles and Paul continued to do the works of Jesus even after He died for our...2023年7月22日Tax season this year just passed and i thought of writing about this topic. A lot of us ...The title exactly means what it says.It is written in James 4:4 (KJV)"Ye adulterers and...- SIGN UP
To be Dated...Maybe. Leaving space
© 2019